What is Wiringstocks.com?

A company of Arrow Electronics, Wiringstocks.com is an online superstore where you can quickly find electronic components. Since launching in 2007, we have become home to the world's largest electronic components inventory, spanning over 2.5 million SKUs from more than 800 leading manufacturers. The total stock, valued at more than $13 billion USD, is sourced from electronic component manufacturers and their authorized channels. All of these products are available for immediate fulfillment. All inventory published to Wiringstocks.com is 100% traceable and warrantied by either the original manufacturer or Wiringstocks. To ensure traceability and supply chain control, Wiringstocks.com does not publish excess inventory from original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), electronic manufacturing services (EMSs), or brokers.

Do I need to set up Wiringstocks.com as a new vendor?

If you currently do business with Arrow Electronics, you may still need to set up Wiringstocks.com as a new vendor. For more information, please email sales@Wiringstocks.com or call one of our customer service representatives at: +1-415-281-3866

Can I submit purchase orders via email?

We appreciate that the business processes of some of our customers do not allow purchasing agents to enter purchase orders online. We also appreciate that some buyers are simply uncomfortable placing orders online. We welcome all orders at Wiringstocks.com, online and offline, and we have a skilled eCommerce support team waiting to assist you. If you'd like to submit your purchase orders via email, please attach a PDF copy of your order and send us a note to sales@Wiringstocks.com. Also feel free to call us at +1-415-281-3866. One of our customer service agents will help you. NOTE: If you submit orders via email or otherwise ask our customer service staff to enter an order for you, there will be a delay before your order is entered and the inventory secured. This introduces the risk that another buyer may purchase your parts before your order is entered. Self-entering orders online at Wiringstocks.com is the only way to instantly secure the parts you need. So, if your need is urgent and the parts are in short supply, we especially urge you to place your order online, even if it takes an exception process to do so.

How is Wiringstocks.com different from affiliate websites (such as FindChips.com, SupplyFrame.com, ECIAuthorized.com, Octopart.com)?

In short, shoppers can't buy things at these sites. Findchips, SupplyFrame, ECIAauthorized, and Octopart are valued partners to Wiringstocks.com, not competitors. These firms operate as affiliates, which means they list inventory sources, like a bulletin board service. Once buyers find the components from their service, these websites direct the buyers to the websites of merchants where buyers actually make their purchase. These merchants, including Arrow and its online superstore division of Wiringstocks.com, then pay the affiliates for the traffic that they refer.

What are the advantages in buying from Arrow's Wiringstocks.com superstore?

Buying through Wiringstocks.com requires no new vendor set-up or new vendor qualification if you're an existing Arrow customer. Simply launch a purchase order to your existing Arrow vendor code. As long as your company is in good standing with Arrow, existing Arrow payment terms, pre-payment discounts, and credit lines (and for US-based customers remit-to addresses) are identical when buying through Wiringstocks.com. Our site is the only place where you can find and buy Arrow's unsold inventory from ALL of its worldwide branches, along with the available factory stock of its line card suppliers at any time, day or night. Prices at Wiringstocks.com are similar to those offered by catalog distributors. In addition to finding competitive prices, the inventory published to Wiringstocks.com is located throughout the world, which is noted on each listing. This minimizes the number of days that you'll have to wait for your parts. Simply select the components nearest to your destination.

Are prices negotiable?

Published prices are not negotiable. Published prices at Wiringstocks.com are determined solely by the electronic component manufacturers and franchised distributor divisions of Arrow Electronics. We inform these sellers of market trends, but play no active role in pricing except for offering sitewide discounts or other Wiringstocks.com promotions.

Can I perform list searches at Wiringstocks.com?

Our DemandMatch™ quoting engine takes the time-consuming work out of sourcing shortage lists. Instead of keying-in part numbers one-by-one, you can simply upload an entire shortage list (up to 1,000 line items) to DemandMatch™. Within seconds, you'll receive responses via email with corresponding match lists of available inventory. All matched inventory is ready-to-ship factory stock and Arrow stock from franchise distributor divisions located around the world. Match lists include Price, Delivery Date, Manufacturer, Manufacturer Part Number, Quantity and other important information. Inventory listings published to Wiringstocks.com are refreshed as often as every 10 minutes, and are current and are purchasable in real time at Wiringstocks.com.

What inventory is available on Wiringstocks.com?

Wiringstocks.com’s inventory is sourced from electronic component manufacturers and their authorized channels.

Wiringstocks.com’s inventory is sourced from electronic component manufacturers and their authorized channels.

We accept all standard forms of payments, including pre-paid methods like wire transfer, PayPal and credit cards, along with extended payment terms for credit worthy customers. Customers with existing Arrow Electronics payment terms can use these terms and the associated credit line at Wiringstocks.com, provided that your account is in good standing. Email your Arrow account information to sales@Wiringstocks.com to request confirmation. If you are not a customer of Arrow and you would like to apply for extended credit terms, please email sales@Wiringstocks.com.

How do I place an order with Wiringstocks.com?

Start by selecting the parts you want to buy, and then navigate to checkout. If you're purchasing with a credit card, enter your billing, shipping, and credit card information when prompted. If you have extended payment terms with Arrow Electronics, please select the appropriate Arrow Electronics vendor code from your vendor master and launch a purchase order number. You may then add that purchase order number to your Wiringstocks.com order when prompted, and check out. If you intend to pay by wire transfer, please follow the instructions online. Finally, if you submit orders via EDI, or if you plan to send an email to support@Wiringstocks.com with a purchase order attached, please follow the protocol specified by your procurement department leadership. If you have any questions or experience any problems, please call one of our customer service representatives for assistance at: +1-415-281-3866.

How is shipping arranged?

Customers can choose industry-leading freight companies, including FedEx, UPS, and DHL, at check-out. You will be given the option to select pre-paid freight arranged by Wiringstocks.com or to input your corporate freight account numbers. All relevant shipping and tracking information, including airway bill numbers, is provided automatically upon shipment of each purchase.

Can I cancel or make changes to my order?

Most bookings made at Wiringstocks.com are final. (Purchased items cannot be canceled, refunded, exchanged, transferred, or changed - even for a fee - except when items received do not match your order, or are materially defective.) Items are non-cancelable and non-returnable (NCNR) unless otherwise indicated on the listing. These restrictions are a big reason why we can offer you the inventory and bargains that we do. If you would like to order additional parts soon after you've checked out, you may do so only by booking a new order. You cannot add parts to an order already in process. You may, however, use the same purchase order number to order additional parts. If you choose to do so, we will reference that purchase order number against two separate sales orders. Once you agree to make a booking on Wiringstocks.com, your credit card or your account will be charged for the total price shown in the shopping cart. In order to make a booking on our site, you must agree to the Wiringstocks.com Terms of Use.

What is the process for returns or replacement?

Products are deemed accepted by customer unless customer notifies Seller in writing within 10 days of delivery of product shortages, damage or defect. No returns may be made for any reason without a Return Authorization Form issued by Seller. If customer refuses to accept tender or delivery of any products or returns any products without authorization from Seller, such products will be held by Seller awaiting customer's instruction for 20 days, after which Seller may deem the products abandoned and dispose of them as it sees fit, without crediting customer's account. All requests for return material authorizations (RMAs) in connection with defective materials claims will be researched for validity prior to authorizing returns. If the evidence of such claims matches shipping records, and circumstances seem plausible, RMA's may be issued, and returns may be routed for evaluation to the seller. If material defects are identified in evaluations, test results may be sent to the parties, and the defective parts may be repaired, replaced, or refunded at Seller’s sole discretion. For more information on our return policy please see our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use, Exhibit B, item #5.

Whom do I contact to discuss problems or get support?

Our Customer Service Representatives are happy to help you place an order, and to help remedy any problems or answer any questions that may arise in connection with your order. You can contact our support team via live online chat, email or phone. Please send email inquiries to support@Wiringstocks.com. For phone inquiries, please call us at: +1-415-281-3866. Live chat is available under the menu Support > Live Chat at the top of the page.